About Us

RECO solves your personnel problems

As a modern personnel service provider, we offer innovative solutions in human resources. From recruitment and temporary employment to advice and development of HR strategies and projects.

RECO saves you time and money

Recruiting good staff is time-consuming and costly. We help you to eliminate short or long-term personnel bottlenecks. Fast, efficient and competent and with the help of innovative technologies.

RECO takes you and your teams further

We not only successfully bring companies and employees together. On request, we also support sustainable employee retention through advisory activities in all relevant HR areas.

RECO helps you to master growth

Growth and other change processes can pose a major challenge for corporate culture. We help you to accompany your managers and employees in these processes.


Reco Logo Cloud

Wir stellen Gelegenheits- und Zeitarbeitskräfte zur Verfügung und nutzen innovative Technologie, um Kosten zu senken und unschlagbare Vorteile zu bieten.

Reco Recruit

Sie benötigen Unterstützung bei der Suche nach neuen Fach- oder Führungskräften? Wir übernehmen gern die aufwendige Suche, Vorauswahl und auf Wunsch auch die Vorstellungsgespräche.

Rasoul Etl & Co

Sie suchen individualisierte Beratung rund um das Thema ‘Unternehmenskultur’? Wir beraten Sie gern hinsichtlich Recruitment, Mitarbeiterengagement, -bindung und Führung.

Reco medcloud

Wir stellen Gelegenheits- und Zeitarbeitskräfte zur Verfügung und nutzen innovative Technologien, um die Kosten zu senken und unschlagbare Vorteile für die medizinische Versorgung zu bieten.

Meet the team

I am a doctor in a clinic. I love my work and yet every day I think about how small changes could strengthen the work in the team at all levels and thereby improve the treatment of patients. I have felt the need to give something back to the world since I was a child. I was told back then that when people come together as a community, they have the power to move mountains. Both at my workplace and in my private life, I look forward to every encounter with like-minded people who accompany me on my journey; so that together we can make the future more pleasant and attractive for employees. .
Atal Rasoul

CO-Founder, RECO

People must be the focus! Over the past ten years as a leader in the healthcare industry, I have come to realize that the impact we as leaders have on our people extends well beyond the actual workplace; it’s about the ability to positively impact someone’s life by empowering them to be their natural best, to make mistakes and to grow. This belief led me to spend more time developing and training employees and leaders. The main topics here were ‘interpersonal skills’, ‘communication’, ‘team motivation’ and ‘understanding of leadership’.

Balazs Etl

CO-Founder, RECO

You need more information? Contact us today!